Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Cantu- Ch. 4

One of the big things that helped me from this chapter is in the Strategies to Extend Student Learning section. The idea here that helped me was the "Wait I and II." This was helpful because I have trouble, on occasion, not giving students adequate time to think about a question. This rule is very helpful to me because I now have a base time limit for allowing students time to think about a question or answer.

One thing that I saw in this section that I do not agree with is further down the page where it says to "Allow for student calling." I do not think that this is necessary. I have seen students take advantage of this and use it as a way to target kids who are not as smart. It can lead to bullying and lower student self- esteem.

Another thing that I will incorporate is the Agree- Disagree Matrix. I think this is important because students need to be able to voice their opinions and have an effective discussion. They also need to learn to support their opinion with fact.

Big Question: Are using all of these teaching strategies essential for optimum student development?

Interactive website: http://www.readingquest.org/strat/

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