Friday, September 6, 2013

Lies My Teacher Told Me- Ch. 2

This chapter is very interesting. It talks about how many of the facts textbooks tell students about Columbus are false. Reading this changes how I teach a unit on Columbus because I will try to avoid a textbook for this unit in particular. I think that using more primary and secondary sources is necessary for students to understand what really happened during this time period. I think it is a good topic to do a discussion on. You can ask students what story they prefer (the textbook version or more accurate version) and why they think these facts have been changed or told in a certain way. With this, it is also important, even in a U.S. History class, to talk about happenings in Europe of this time briefly. This includes talking about the Crusades and Renaissance. I would also try to talk about earlier Europeans that discovered North America. This includes the Vikings and fishermen near Canada.

A big question not answered is: Do we want students to learn the real story of a person that America has created into a hero? Will that have negative effects on a students viewpoints towards this country and our history? Can it be counterproductive?


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